Bellevue Real Estate Market Stats

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Please note, that all references to average DAYS ON MARKET in these charts on this page represent the time a home was listed as "Active" in the MLS, and available for buyers to place offers.

Buyer's market = more than 6 months of inventory based on closed sales
Neutral market = 3 - 6 months of inventory based on closed sales
Seller's market = less than 3 months of inventory based on closed sales

Bellevue Real Estate Statistics

Bellevue Home Inventory Levels

The total home inventory is simply the number of homes currently available for purchase in a given market area. Typically, as the number of available homes goes down, price goes up due to the law of supply and demand. However, this increase can be limited by the income of prospective buyers as well. The chart below shows a 12 month average of active homes for sale in Bellevue.


Bellevue Sold Home Data

Number of Homes Sold In Bellevue (City)


Average Selling Price of Homes In Bellevue

The median home price is one of the most common measurements used to compare real estate prices in different markets, areas, and periods of time. It is said to be less biased than the average price, since it is not as heavily influenced by small number of high and/or low-priced homes. Below are the average and median home price statistics in Buckeye over the previous 12 month period. Note, these should be used as a guide to see how prices may be increasing or decreasing. Keep in mind that price range segments will often fluctuate independently due to different buyer demand in different areas.



Average Days On Market In Bellevue

The first chart outlines the number of days it took from the listing date until homes were under contract, and the second chart outlines the number of days between the time the home went under contract until the home actually closed and recorded with King County.



Average Price Per Square Foot In Bellevue


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