doggie_404Before listing your home with The Cascade Team we thought you should get to know one of the owners; Doug Young, a little better. At first you may think that Doug is a little quiet, but as you will learn, there is a reason he doesn’t need to say much.

 It’s a tough Real Estate market out there. Along with an aggressive marketing program and great agents, you need to know that your Brokerage has an edge. To that end, we’d like to introduce you to one of the co-owners of The Cascade Team: Doug Young.



Doug Young’s tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.


Doug Young counted to infinity - twice.


Doug Young does not hunt because the word hunting infers the probability…

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It seems almost negligent these days to go meet with a prospective employer, set your kid up on a sleep-over or even add an old friend on Facebook without first running the company's name, your kid's pal's parents or your old college chum through Google -- just to see. But it's nowhere near as common (yet) to Google or otherwise do an internet search for your home's address.

There are at least six compelling reasons it makes sense to do so, though -- especially if it's an address you're thinking of renting, buying or selling. Smart homeowners would do well to search for their addresses, too, and here's why:

#1. To See If Megan's Law Registrants Live Nearby
Safety first, folks. Megan's law requires law-enforcement authorities to make information available…

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Foreclosures Jump in Unexpected Cities
The foreclosure crisis is now spreading to cities that were once relatively unscathed from the crisis. Seattle, Houston, and Chicago have joined the list of other cities in the United States plagued by a growing number of foreclosures and home owners unable to make their mortgage payments.

Foreclosure activity increased in 149 of the country’s 206 largest metro areas last year, reported RealtyTrac Inc., a foreclosure listing firm.

In the Houston-Sugar Land-Baytown metro area, the foreclosure rate jumped 26 percent from 2009 — the largest increase in foreclosures among the top 20 metro areas, according to RealtyTrac.

In Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, the foreclosure rate increased nearly 23 percent — ranking second in…

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 Thanks for being a friend, clients and neighbor. We have spent the last 4 months completely revamping The Cascade Team website and would really like to know what you think.

If you have the time to visit:


Is the site easy to look at and understand?

Is the site user friendly?

Can you easily find all of the information you are looking for?

How does the search function work for you? Do you get the details you want, and are they returned in a fashion you like?

Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated.



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In the housing downturn, many home owners have not only had to leave their homes behind, but also their pets. In foreclosed properties, more pets are being found locked in basements, garages, or in backyards.

A new program, No Paws Left Behind, recently announced its 1,000th foreclosure animal rescue. The program rescues abandoned animals — everything from dogs and cats to llamas and pot-bellied pigs — and places them in “no kill” shelters until foster care can be arranged.

"Sadly, the current housing crisis has severely affected countless home owners creating a trickle down negative effect on helpless animals," says Cheryl Lang, the founder of The No Paws Left Behind program and also CEO of Integrated Mortgage Solutions, a provider of REO property…

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Response to Jan 21 Email

It came to our attention that a resident of North Bend, Mr. David Spring, distributed an email recently – in which he accuses the school district of lies and deceit. His email contained a number of points, which attempt to provide “evidence” for his views. Unfortunately, most of these points are either false or misleading.  Here are some responses:

  1. Mr. Spring believes that Mount Si High School needs an immediate $100 million remodel – to essentially raise up the entire school to avoid destruction during a “MEGA flood at Mount Si High School due to the to impact of Global Warming on the Upper Snoqualmie Valley” (from “Assessing the Risk of a Mega Flood at Mount Si High School” by David Spring, Jan 5, 2011). Mr. Spring…

5478 Views, 0 Comments

Getting ready to hold the first Real Intell”Agents” class! The Cascade Team is launching a new marketing program with revolutionary Seller and Buyer contact points. After this week our agents will begin moving Real Estate marketing and Customer Service to levels never dreamed of before! We're doing live classes on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday of this week from 9:30 until 1:30.

REAL Intell"Agents"
Real Estate Has Evolved

Leveraging Real Estate Technology In Today's Changing Real Estate Market!

Don’t monkey around selling your home with the Un-Intell-Agent. It takes more than a mls listing, sign, some paper fliers, and an open house to sell your home in today’s market. Make sure your real estate agent has real leading edge housing…

3165 Views, 0 Comments


During 2010, members of NWMLS:
  • Reported more than 52,000 closed sales, valued at more than $17.6 billion.
  • Reported an area-wide median price of $262,000 for single-family homes and condos that sold last year, down about 4.7 percent from 2008.
  • Added 116,699 new listings of SFH and condos to inventory,.
  • Represented more than 39,000 home sellers, on average, each month.
  • Reported 987 sales of single family homes and 83 sales of condominiums priced at $1 million or more. 433 condos sold for $500,000 or more (p.29).
  • The MLS area covering Bellevue/West of 405 (map area 520) had the highest number of million dollar-plus sales with 147, followed by Central Seattle (area 390) with 124.
    For high-end condos ($500,000-plus), Belltown/Downtown…

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