425 Magazine "Great Places To Live" - Matt Jensen Quoted as Issaquah Highlands Expert!
Posted by The Cascade Team Real Estate onIssaquah Highlands
Full Article HERE
Great for Everyone
Perks The I-90 corridor offers easy access to work and play; close proximity to shops, dining and entertainment and green planned communities
Matt Jensen, Branch Manager/Managing Broker, CNE
Certified Negotiation Expert, CNE
SOS Designation Achievement Phone:206-909-8200 Fax:206-906-9517 Email :matt@thecascadeteam.com
Expert Tip “The award-winning planned community off of exit 18 is now comprised of over 25 percent of Issaquah’s overall population and includes more than 4,000 residences and growing. The community ranges from apartments to multi-million-dollar view homes to acreage estates, residential cottages, townhomes and condominium properties, designed for everyone.…
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