Welcome To The Cascade Team Sherre Anderson!

Sharre Anderson

  • Office: (509) 228-3088 ext. 1123
  • Cell: (509) 919-1344
  • E-mail: Sharre@TheCascadeTeam.com

We are happy to welcome Sharre to The Cascade Team!

Sharre Anderson epitomizes integrity, productivity, time management, and hard work; she is a "go-getter".  Sharre grew up here in Spokane area for a little over twenty years since she 6. She calls Spokane home.  She has lived in many different states but all for a short time and have always returned home.  She has worked in the customer service industry for the past ten years and decided to take a huge step toward her real estate career.  Sharre is devoted to being the best mom she can be to her son.  He is a honor student and…

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I have heard from several of our Brokers/Agents here at The Cascade Team worried about the new Zillow "Make an Offer" tool, along with similar offerings from other companies.   Did most of you know that The Cascade Team has featured this same ability since October of 2013???? That's right! From the personal property website we create for each of your listings people have the chance to contact you directly to "Make an Offer"! That's one of the biggest reasons why it's so important for you to get out there on Social Media, to have your Marketing Boards out, and to e-mail those Personal Property Websites to everyone you know!  

We are ahead of the curve!

I'll address some tips farther down in the blog about how to deal with the Zillow…

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Image result for couple argue about house

Buying a home can be stressful on couples. Sixty-percent of millennial and Gen X couples say they disagreed occasionally, frequently, or “a lot” when buying a house with their partner or spouse, according to a new survey released by LendingHome. They surveyed 514 adults ages 25 to 45 who were in a relationship (engaged, married, or domestic partnerships) and purchasing

Couples who have been together a longer time tend to be more harmonious in the home-buying process, according to the survey. Those who had been together five or more years disagreed frequently only 14 percent of the time when searching for a home. On the other hand, couples who have been together for four years or less disagreed twice as much, with nearly 30 percent disagreeing…

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Welcome To The Cascade Team Stephanie Bowlds!

Stephanie Bowlds

  • Office: 425-313-4752
  • Cell: (425) 830-1850
  • E-mail: Stephanie@thecascadeteam.com

We are happy to welcome Stephanie to The Cascade Team!

Stephanie worked for ten years in the commercial real estate business, primarily as a Landlord Retail Leasing Representative.  She is joining The Cascade Team to expand her real estate career.  She recently married her husband Drew after bonding over their mutual love for real estate.  She is a mother to her two step sons, Anthony and Gabriel.

Stephanie Bowlds will be a wonderful addition to The Cascade Team and we look forward to seeing her success!


Cascade Team Real Estate agents are proactive in…

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When "CBS This Morning" co-host Norah O'Donnell asked the chief executive of Zillow recently about the accuracy of the website's automated property value estimates — known as Zestimates — she touched on one of the most sensitive perception gaps in American real estate...

Picture this…There’s an inexperienced real estate agent in your town.

  • He hasn’t sold any homes yet.
  • He wants to drum up some business.
  • So, he climbs up onto your roof and paints what he estimates to be the value of your home.
  • He feels like this could be a win-win:
  • YOU get to know the value of your house, so he was helpful to you, without even having to meet with him…
  • … and HE gets to show you how that he knows his stuff. Hopefully you’ll turn to him for help…

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strange-questions2 By Daniel Bortz

Long before home buyers decide a certain place must be theirs, it behooves them to ask a lot of questions. For example: "How's the neighborhood?" or "How old is that water heater, anyway?" Ask away! Such queries help you pare down your options, so don't be bashful; real estate agents have heard them all.

However, the adage "There's no such thing as a stupid question" isn't always true. As proof, just check out this list of the strangest questions real estate agents have ever heard about a house. Cue the “Twilight Zone” music—things are about to get very, very weird. 

1. 'How do you keep alligators from coming up into the toilet?'

Michael Lyons, a real estate broker with Lyons Realty Group in Hollywood, FL, has…

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The Open House Treasure Hunt is Back!

Join us on Saturday, May 20th for our Annual Open House Treasure Hunt.

Tour homes and win over $200,000 in Cash & Prizes! Just Text the "Secret" code from any listed property to win!

The Cascade Team has 33 NEW Listings This Week, plus a few additional properties giving you the opportunity to visit and win from approximately 40 homes throughout the area! ( Check out our interactive map below for home locations. Click on any home to see the times of the open houses.)

See the Map of Open House Treasure Hunt Homes HERE!

In addition both Jack FM 96.5 and Star 101.5 will be doing live remotes at select Open Houses listed below. They will have the radio station staff and prize wheels out with tons of…

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Here are 10 very good reasons to look up your home address or the address of a home you are considering buying!

(Search-engine sleuthing is worth the effort to unearth the niceties — and perhaps negatives — when searching for your new home. There’s probably not a day that goes by that you don’t Google something — the weather, a foreign phrase, directions, or news, just to name a few. With all the information Google can provide through its bird’s eye view, not Googling your address, or the address of a home you are considering making an offer on, is practically a crime — especially when you’re searching for a new home (whether you’re house-hunting for a waterfront home on Lake Sammamish, Wa, or looking for a ranch house in Goodyear, AZ). You'd be…

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Welcome To The Cascade Team David Law!

David Law

  • Office: 425-395-4399
  • Cell: (425) 829-3959
  • E-mail: David.Law@thecascadeteam.com

We are happy to welcome David to The Cascade Team!

In my free time, I enjoy family time with my wife and children and especially love coaching their baseball and basketball teams.  I like going out to dinner and hanging out in Issaquah where I live.  I believe in working hard, playing hard and treating people with kindness and respect.  I'm a good listener and seek to understand before I'm understood.  I practice humility and I'm grateful for the friends I have along with new friends I encounter.  I look forward to meeting and helping you!

David Law will be a wonderful addition to The Cascade Team…

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Image result for home buyers By Shanon Emerson  

When it comes to talking to the seller’s agent at an open house, a little mystery goes a long way.

More isn’t always better — especially when it comes to talking to a seller’s real estate agent. Your buyer’s agent is a guide and advocate in your real estate journey and should know everything about your needs, your desires, and how much house you can afford. But the seller’s agent is an entirely different story, and what you share with them should be minimal.

If you’re buying a home, your agent is almost always your voice to the seller. Speaking alone with the seller’s agent doesn’t happen very often, and it’s easy to forget who you’re speaking with — but there you are at the open house, eating a slice of quiche,…

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