'Tis the Season (to Sell Your Home): 12 Reasons Selling Your House During The Holidays is an Great Idea!
Posted by Cary W Porter on
As we careen at warp speed from Thanksgiving, Christmas, and all of the joyous (read: stressful) festivities in between, you might be tempted to take your home off the market—or hold off on listing it—until after the new year. After all, you’re swamped with cooking, shopping, and decorating, and the last thing you need is a bunch of potential buyers traipsing through your house, right?
While it’s true the market is slower around the holidays, it’s also an excellent time to put your house up for sale. The market is slower mostly because fewer sellers are listing, but meanwhile buyers are sitting around with pre-approval letter in-hand just starving for inventory!
Simply put; It’s a huge, huge mistake to either remove your home from the…
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