Happy Holidays From The Cascade Team Real Estate
Posted by Cary W Porter on
Just wanted to take a quick moment and wish everyone a very happy Holiday season! Thank you to all of our clients, partners, amazing agents and friends for a wonderful 2018 and we all look forward to working with you and helping you in any way possible in the coming year!
and YES!!! Cary is wearing possibly the ugliest Christmas sweater ever made!! If you have one that you think can beat it, we'd love to see a picture of you wearing it! Challenge made!
And here's a sneak preview of our upcoming class schedule for 2019 to get everyone ready to roll! Doug will be holding these classes for AZ and California and James for Spokane, while Cary does Western WA. We'll work to do a webinar for ID, CO, and Indiana!
2019 Annual Kickoff Rally and…
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