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Just want to tell all of the Broker/Agents at The Cascade Team "Great Job!" this week. 33 New Listings for The Cascade Team... Last year at this time we had an even 20 so that's about a 62% increase of where we were for the week just last year! For the year we have almost exactly Doubled the listings by the same time as last year.

By logging onto the NMLS and putting in  a quick search of The Cascade Team as the listing brokerage: That will pull all of the offices combined, and then look and Jan 1 2016 to June 20th 2016 and then do the same comparing Jan 1 2017 to June 20 2017... We are up 183% in Listings! Doing the same on the buy side we are up 223%!... And those numbers just include the NWMLS! Spokane has done over 110 deals just since opening in August with more daily and Arizona is having a record years as well! Adding in Spokane and Arizona puts The Cascade Team up 256% compared to the same time just last year!

So while you hear about other Brokerages/ Agents complaining about a lack of inventory we are in a really nice position thanks to all of your hard work out there!

So WOW!!! If anyone needs anything just let myself or your manager know... Again GREAT work! No shortage of listing inventory here at The Cascade Team thanks to great people like all of you out there making it happen!

The Cascade Team is a Full Service real estate brokerage! Instead of investing in overhead and brick and mortar buildings, we provide our local real estate agents with complete virtual offices through the effective use of the latest technology. Our local agents are able to spend their time in the field showing, selling your home, and marketing your property. This increases their real estate market knowledge and provides more insight to you as a homeseller in this dynamic marketplace. The money saved is spent promoting your home for sale, investing in our agent tools and training, and returned to YOU in the form of lower home selling commissions.

The Cascade Team Real Estate is a company like no other because of the marketing, service and home seller savings we provide. We understand that in today’s real estate & home selling environment, we need to provide a high level of real estate service and wide spread marketing of the home for sale, utilize technology to keep our home seller clients in the communication loop and provide added value to both buyers and home sellers in the real estate transaction. The effective use of technology tools allows our local Seattle & San Diego real estate agents to focus more of their time on servicing our clients and finding buyers for your home, all the while providing the most comprehensive real estate marketing program available. In the end, you get the perfect combination of online real estate tools and personal service in the home selling process.

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