3D Virtual Tag Posts are spatial annotations that allow users to enhance their Spaces with text-based comments anchored to a point in the 3D geometry of a Walkthrough Virtual Tour From The Cascade Team. Unlike 2D tags which would require multiple tags of a single item across several images, once a single 3D Virtual Tag Post is placed within a Space, it is viewable from any perspective as the user moves around. Whether they’re creating a 3D virtual tour to sell a property or adding additional information about the neighborhood, The Cascade Team can now add amazing context to their virtual models.
“3D Virtual Tag Posts content vastly expands the amount of information The Cascade Team can convey about homes and properties they list. We refer to this type of information added to an immersive environment as spatial metadata,”. “3D Virtual Tag Posts Content as part of 3D Walkthrough Virtual Tours From The Cascade Team allows our users to annotate points in real space just as they do photos and other digital content; providing viewers with more information, important details, and expanded opportunities for engagement.”
3D Virtual Tag Posts turn Spaces into a powerful communication tool across industries as diverse as real estate marketing, and media publishing, and are only the first type of enhanced Content. In the future, plans are to expand 3D Virtual Tag Posts content to include multimedia content associated with any point in 3D space.
When a viewer mouses over or clicks on a 3D Virtual Tag Posts marker, a billboard appears with a short text description of the tagged feature, object, or area.
The Cascade Team 3D Walkthrough Showcase is an online experience that lets home buyers move through a property and see it from any angle. Even get a completely unique sense for the place with our “dollhouse” view.
Image galleries, 360º panoramas and fly-through videos lack the perspective and “feel” that home buyers and sellers crave. A Matterport 3D Showcase™ creates an emotional connection with the home.
3D Virtual Tour Showcase
The Cascade Team is happy to announce its new 3D Walkthrough Showcase and these very exciting new enhancements. 3D Walkthrough Showcase Tours are available for every Cascade Team listed property. We use Matterport's 3D technology and cloud service to create a one-of-a-kind 3D Virtual Tour Showcase.
Engage buyers. Delight sellers:
The Cascade Team 3D Showcase is the most realistic, immersive way to experience a property online.
Ultimate Experience: Any Time, Anywhere
The Cascade Team 3D Showcase™ is an online experience that lets home buyers move through a property and see it from any angle. Even get a completely unique sense for the place with our “dollhouse” view.
Real Emotion
Image galleries, 360º panoramas and fly-through videos lack the perspective and “feel” that home buyers and sellers crave. The Cascade Team 3D Showcase™ creates an emotional connection with the home.
New Features Below:
Dollhouse View
- Our enhancements to dollhouse view allow users to peel back floors one-by-one, providing an understanding for how different levels fit together in three dimensions, while offering an unobstructed view of lower floors.
- Floorplan View
- Floorplan View has always offered an orthogonal, top-down view of a property. With the floors navigation enhancement, users can now toggle between floors in Floorplan View, rather than seeing only the top floor of a model. This allows enhanced space planning for applications like interior design.
- Inside View
- Previously, users of Inside View had to make their way to a staircase to ascend or descend to different floors. With this new navigation, users can toggle between floors, as if in a virtual elevator.
The new feature suite also extends to Matterport Workshop, where you are now able to associate measurements and annotations with specific levels within a model.
Learn more about The Cascade Team 3D Showcase HEREÂ
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