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Selling a home can be stressful for the un- or under prepared consumer. Crazy expectations, market mis-education, and the common misconception that all homes sell in 30 minutes like they do on HGTV can all create a difficult environment for you and your clients.
Avoid the misunderstandings that could ruin the transaction and your chances at a commission. Check out these six script/talking points for counseling your sellers before you start marketing their home.
1. Your staging will make or break you.
“Homes that don’t show well don’t close well.”
Your sellers won’t know the importance of staging unless you first, tell them and second, show them. To get your sellers to see the light and avoid a grim marketing experience
- take them on a two-home showing; one where the staging is great and one where it’s not.
2. Comparables are the key to the right price, not your opinion.
“When it comes to price, the market’s opinion is what really matters.”
When it comes price, the winning opinion is always the market’s opinion. You know it’s impossible to effectively price a home without taking into account the competition. Unfortunately, too many sellers don’t.
When you sit down with sellers, find out up front what their price expectations are for their home. Then, take the time to both educate them on the competition and give them expert home pricing tips to help them understand your pricing strategy.
Remember, when it comes to selling your sellers on the right price, nothing beats the data.
3. You’ll get out what you put in, so consider renovations.
“Most buyers don’t want to deal with your old problems.”
Selling for top dollar is simple math, not brain science. The problems buyers see when touring a home negatively impact the amount they’ll offer. That’s why you, the agent, have to be upfront with your seller clients when you spot unsightly blemishes that could cost your clients the deal.
Before you list and start marketing the property, counsel your sellers on the improvements you know will make a difference when it comes to price.
4. Incentives can help speed up the process.
“Incentives are a great way for you separate from the rest of the pack.”
Offering practical incentives might not sound sexy, but those that fill legitimate buyer needs have the power to differentiate a listing from the competition and attract just the right attention needed to get the home sold.
Talk to your sellers early about how they might be prepared to sweeten the deal if the right offers don’t come rolling in. Talking incentives early and building them into the marketing plan can arm both agent and seller with the ammunition to jump potential marketing hurdles and beat out the competition for a fast sale.
5. Serious buyers never stop the hunt.
Too many sellers see the winter months as the slow season. The reality is, there are plenty of upsides to listing and marketing a home when everyone else is taking a break.
6. Asking prices are up nationally, but…
“Real estate is a local business”
The last few years have turned real estate headlines into high-profile news. That means your customers may have heard that home asking prices recently jumped more than 5 percent nationally. While this is great news for the country as a whole, be sure to remind your sellers that real estate is a local industry and that asking price isn’t everything.
To do this, consider posting your own local market updates on your personal real estate blog. In addition, check out and use these tips for showing your clients the difference between asking and listing price in your local market. For many sellers, seeing the numbers is just the ammo they need to agree to the right price.
Posted by The Cascade Team Real Estate on
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