As of December 15, 2011, there are currently 456 active residential homes for sale in Bellevue, with an average price of $831,483. This number is showing a reduction in housing inventory from the last report and an uptick in pricing. In addition, there are 89 short sales in Bellevue, at an average price of $489,381, along with 32 bank owned homes, at an average price of 501,379. While still a buyers market, the reduction of inventory and the uptick in Bellevue home prices is a postive sign as we head into the beginning of the year.Â
Next, there are currently 287 active residential condos for sale in Bellevue, with an average price of $318,581. In addition, there are 64 short sale condos in Bellevue, at an average price of $189,565, along with 32 bank owned condos, at an average price of 308,490. It would seem that banks are taking back the higher priced condos, but appear to be working out short sales on the lower priced condos as they may not be as attractive to new buyers.
Feel free to contact us for more information on Bellevue real estate or with any questions you may have
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