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Open ½ hour before sunrise
Close ½ hour after sunset

7402 E. D St.
Tacoma, WA 98404


Charlotte's Blueberry Park on Tacoma's eastside was Berg's Blueberry Farm from 1952 until 1968. In 1997 Metro Parks Tacoma officially took over the land and preserved the park.

Now more than 3,372 bushes, representing five varieties of blueberry, produce fruit. Picking season typically runs from July through September each year.

Metro Parks does not use any pesticides or fertilizers on the blueberry plants and there is no fee to pick the blueberries which are first-come-first-serve during picking season.

This neighborhood park covers 20 acres and is owned by Metro Parks Tacoma. More than 10 of the park's acres are wetlands and cannot be disturbed.

Volunteer work days are held the fourth Saturday of the month, March through September, from 9:00 am to noon. Help in Blueberry Park is always needed and welcome. The Friends of Blueberry Park volunteer labor that prunes the bushes mows the grass and maintains the native plantings allow this productive park and wetlands to continue to enhance our city.

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