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Attention: City of Monroe Residents

There will be a North Hill Area Design Workshop on Wednesday Jan 26th 2022


Facebook has a great Web Page called City of Monroe, Wa. There you find recent and past updates on what is happening in Monroe. For example, they recently posted about the North Hill Area Design Workshop. The City of Monroe is welcoming all residents to participate in the design workshop for the North Hill Area Neighborhood Park. The location is at the southwest corner of 134th St SE and 191st Ave SE.


Just last year, the City of Monroe had purchased five acres of land to develop a park to serve the surrounding neighborhoods. "This collaborative, online event will include an overview of the existing site conditions and help the City determine what amenities and features to include in the park design"


On the Facebook page, there is a site that has the North Hill Neighborhood Park Story 



They explain why they purchased the park property in North Hill Area



City population has more than tripled over thirty years with most recent growth occurring in the North Hill area.


Severe park land deficit north of US 2 in rapidly growing residential area.


 Area residents required to travel long distance to access nearest neighborhood park.


  The North Hill Neighborhood Park story goes on to explain why they purchased the Trombley property

  •  2018 - Trombley family heirs approach City with desire to sell one of few remaining developable tracts in the North Hill area for use as a city park to preserve open space.
  • They do not have to compete with developers for land.
  • Appraised value: $1,307,000 for 5-acre portion of property with future opportunity to purchase remainder 3.2 acres. 


If you were to ask, what makes the Trombley property the ideal location for a park? They have viewed the Trombley property as a "Perfect Fit." 


They have mentioned that it "Meets City Neighborhood Park Standards" to the land "Having Expansion Opportunity"

To find out what The Monroe City Council has done to Secure the Property, the North Hill Neighborhood Park Story explains in detail. As well as what the Parkland Design & Development Next Steps are:

  • After acquisition, property will be undeveloped public park site, with short-term limited public access(pedestrian) and recreation opportunities (eg. soft surface walking trails, open play areas, view benches, off-leash area, etc.).
  • Strategic park land acquisition here will leave legacy of providing recreational opportunities for new and future residents within this fast-growing area of Monroe.


 In a related blog in May 2021, I wrote how KING5 News talked about how more people are "packing up and buying homes outside of Seattle" and "being able to work remotely has been a huge factor in people being able to afford homes out in Monroe..."

And, as I’ve mentioned before, in another previous blog I wrote in October 2021, Snohomish County Continues to Grow, In Monroe specifically, I noted how much Monroe grew within the last 10 years, 13.84 %  And as time has shown, Monroe is growing even more now.

If Monroe is a place you see yourself living, click HERE to view active properties and contact me HERE 

Posted by Liza Alley on
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