In literally all of the markets that The Cascade Team services we have neighborhoods and developments intermixing with local coyote populations. I live in Sammamish, WA and often see them in the mornings when I run Soaring Eagle Park between 5:30 and 6:00 in the morning and a recent posting on Nextdoor Trossachs the neighborhood I live in reported a mother and 2 to 3 pups having a den in one of the many local greenbelts.
The same can be said for Doug Young and the Team in Arizona, Kent in Denver, James out in Spokane and so forth.
For the most part coyotes may prey on a small, unattended pet, but are generally scared of people. If you do run into members of the local coyote population here are a few tips to remember.
Protecting yourself and your family
• Although rare, coyotes have been known to injure people. Most of these incidents involved people feeding them. Teach your family about urban wildlife and never feed wildlife.
• Coyotes are usually wary of humans and will avoid people whenever possible. If a coyote does approach you, haze it by making loud noises, yelling, throwing objects or make yourself look big.
• If a coyote is in your yard, haze it out of there
• Never feed or attempt to “tame” a coyote
• Teach children to be SMART if they have an encounter with a coyote or other predator:
◦ Stop, do not run or turn your back to it.
◦ Make yourself look bigger by lifting your arms or pulling your jacket over your head.
◦ Announce your presence loudly and firmly such as “LEAVE ME ALONE!”
◦ Retreat by backing away slowly.
◦ Tell an adult of your encounter.
• Remove all food attractants from yards such as pet food, table scraps on compost piles, fallen fruit and birdfeed
All of that being said; there are certain behaviors that are cause for alarm.

They specifically highlighted:
Coyote carrying box marked "ACME"
Coyote dropping anvil from hot air balloon
Coyote posting signs such as "Detour" or "Free Bird Seed"
Coyote in possession of giant magnet
Coyote in possession of catapult
Coyote detonating explosives/TNT
Coyote launching self with giant crossbow
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