‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse
My signs were all out and brochure boxes loaded
The ad copy in and the lock boxes coded
I just wrote an offer with that one perfect buyer
eeghads its so low…they say they won’t go any higher
So I call up my seller with the not so good news
And they agree to meet with me…what have they got to lose?
So we sit at the table and I do what I do best
Crunch numbers, talk deadlines and give it a rest
So the sellers agree and get ready to sign
And then they exclaim… “We’ve got an equity line!”
More crunching and digging to find extra money
The sellers are smiling…but this really isn’t funny
Three months on the market with nary a showing
Now I have an offer and not sure how it’s going
And that’s when they ask what I don’t want to hear
“Can you cut your commission?”, and they crack open a beer
What I need is a Martini while relaxing by a pool
I reply that, “I can’t…it’s a company rule”
So I ring up the buyer right there on the spot
I need to know if they’ll consider a counter or not
To my surprise they speak up, “We’ve got $5000 more”
If its signed tonight we’ll accept it, but absolutely no more
So back to sellers for signatures on the line
They hem and they haw and then finally sign
I email the buyer and get their reply
Accepted as countered, now I’m flying high
The sellers are happy as I walk out the door
It’s just 9pm, I can stop at the store
I pick up some goodies for my own Christmas treat
Head home to chill out and put up my feet
When I drive up to my house it’s such a great sight
All lit up for the holidays with lights oh so bright
A smile crosses my face as I thought it just might
“Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night”!
By Shelly Brunette
Read: 12 Reasons Selling Your House During The Holidays is an Great Idea
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