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The Only Thing Scarier Than Paying A Desk Fee is Realizing You Don’t Have To!


Make this Halloween the year you finally elevate your career with increased sales and income by joining The Cascade Team. We'll show you exactly how our brokers outperform the average agent and keep more money in their pockets. We have first year agents make 6 (Six) figure incomes right out the gate on a regular basis.

Our "Rookie Of The Year" never had a real estate license before joining The Cascade Team and completed 121 transaction his first year! We will literally show you step-by-step exactly how and what to do so this can be YOU next year!

If your current or old brokerage has left you bewildered and haunted by all the promises and hopes of being a successful agent and yet you're still not where you want to be, it’s time to do the math and elevate your business!

Brokers At The Cascade Team Sell More

If your current or old brokerage has left you bewildered and haunted by all the promises and hopes of being a successful agent and yet you're still not where you want to be, it’s time to do the math and elevate your business!

The numbers above speak for themselves. Our brokers SELL 8 TIMES MORE HOMES and have higher average list prices than the average real estate agent.

Better Training and Support At The Cascade Team

We are a full-service company with a comprehensive marketing plan and offer great training and support for our brokers. Support is round the clock and you can reach a managing broker for assistance day or night without 24/7 Broker Hotline. Here is your chance to be part of an innovative brokerage that's changing how things are done!

The Cascade Team Broker Advantage

Check out that list! We are built to help you sell more homes AND keep more money in your pocket. Brokers at The Cascade Team SAVE THOUSANDS of dollars with no desk fees, free transaction coordinators, plenty of free clock hour courses, free sign installations, free staging consultations and free home warranties for your seller clients.

Schedule an appointment today!

Contact Cary Porter at or 425-891-7447

Posted by Cary W Porter on
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