Found 7 blog entries tagged as snoqualmie.

With snow in the forecast over the next 3 to 4 days, Public Works crews are prepared to plow and de-ice around the clock as needed for the safety of the community and accessibility for police, fire, and emergency medical services. Residents can assist with keeping roads clear by moving cars into driveways and clearing storm drains of debris before and during snowfall when safe to do so. Snoqualmie’s snowplow route classifies streets based on street function, traffic volume, and importance to the welfare of the community. 

Snow Plow Priority Routes.

A. MAJOR ARTERIALS, TRANSIT & SCHOOL BUS ROUTES. Snoqualmie Parkway, Railroad Ave. School bus snow routes, Meadowbrook Way & 384th Ave. S.E. (Hospital emergency entrance), River St., Hills (Fairway Ave.,…

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The votes have been tallied and the winners are in. We're pleased to announce the businesses Nextdoor voted as 2018's Neighborhood Favorites!

Competing in the Home Services category: The Cascade Team Real Estate who can be found in 609 different neighborhoods around the country with over 113,000 neighbors sharing information has been selected the 2018 winner of “Best Real Estate Broker” by neighbors voting in the annual poll.


Snoqualmie Ridge


At The Cascade Team, we understand first and foremost that it isn't about "us". It's all about "YOU"!  We are dedicated to giving each of our clients the best experience imaginable.  Simply Outrageous Service isn’t just a catch phrase for us. It is how we do business! From day one we’ll…

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Scammers are hacking into agent email accounts to track transactions and closings

  Although technology has made real estate transactions quicker, more seamless and increasingly transparent, it has also made buyers and sellers vulnerable to hackers and scammers looking to make a quick buck.

In many cases, scams involve criminals posing as real estate agents asking naive buyers for an upfront fee for services in exchange for a quick turnaround time. Other tactics include sending fake emails from associations as a way to gain access to an agent’s personal information.

According to the Miami Herald, real estate agents and their clients have yet another form of…

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Conditional Use permit approved - Snoqualmie Affordable Housing Project finds itself one step closer to reality.

     Sno Ridge Affordable Housing Rendering In Danna McCall's recent article in Living Snoqualmie, she details that the proposed Snoqualmie Valley affordable housing project has moved one step closer to reality. 

"The City of Snoqualmie posted a Notice of Decision this week stating that a Hearing Examiner has signed off on a Conditional Use Permit requested by Panorama Apartments, LLC for their proposed 191-unit Affordable Housing development to be located in the Eagle Pointe neighborhood of Snoqualmie Ridge. Panorama is a subsidiary of DevCo, which also built Discovery Heights in the Issaquah Highlands". You can read the full details of her story HERE. 

I think…

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 In today's market there is plenty of chatter about how strong the market it, how little inventory is and how hard it is for buyer's to find a home. It would make one think that putting sign out in the their front yard would be all they needed to do. This isn't the case at all though many potential sellers are being pulled by online advertising that speaks to how easy and simple it is. Let's be clear, it's not that easy and not that simple.

Others are being pulled by agents representing full price brokerages through promises of services we either offer at no additional cost or that they say 'they are paying for' but in reality the client is paying for that added service in the…

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  Snoqualmie Ridge, perched idyllically above Snoqualmie Valley below. Several small cities like Snoqualmie in King County have seen their 20-year growth plans be rejected by regional leaders because they want to grow too much. (Steve Ringman/The Seattle Times)   By  Lynn Thompson Seattle Times staff reporter

Leaders of the small cities — Duvall, Carnation, North Bend, Snoqualmie and Covington — say they, not a central planning agency, should determine how they expand within their own borders. And they say that without growth they can’t keep the lights on and the roads paved.

“We have a right to grow, a right to revenue to support our city,” said Snoqualmie Community Development Director Mark Hofman.


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Snoqualmie Falls 

Snoqualmie Falls is undoubtedly one of Washington's many cherished natural landscapes that is enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of people each year. Whether it's during the calm of a late summer as the last of winter runoffs finally hit the cliff or in the aftermath of a midwinter storm that brings on the magnificent and powerful force of all the waters battling to be the first to make the profound jump off its narrow openings. 

Snoqualmie and the surrounding area has gone through tremendous growth through the last 15+ years and with a lot of debate as to whether it is beneficial or not with both sides taking staunch positions. The outlook is that growth and development will continue to happen as housing options continue to be strained by availability…

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