Timberline Real Estate Listings & Community Info


Looking for local information on Timberline real estate? You've come to the right place. The community information shown below will give you a quick snapshot of what the Timberline housing market is doing. Be sure to check out the local Timberline homes for sale stats and the available properties below. The numbers shown are inclusive of condos and single family homes, so you'll have a better all round view of the market.

Market Stats

Average Price $2.5M
Lowest Price $2.5M
Highest Price $2.5M
Total Listings 1
Avg. Days On Market 10
Avg. Price/SQFT $985

Property Types (active listings)

Thank you for visiting our web page on Timberline homes for sale. Here you will discover the most current city houses for sale listed on the MLS. To refine your home search, click on the tab below to change home price criteria or beds and baths. You can also fine-tune the properties criteria by listing date or property status. This will give you the newest listings to come on the market in city. If you have any concerns, please feel free to give us a call or fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page. Our local Sammamish agents would be happy to facilitate in any way they can. We are here to help and endeavor to earn our customers business by bringing geographical plateau knowledge and value.

How Much Is My Timberline Home Worth?

Local Google Map Of Golf Courses Near Timberline In Sammamish

Need To Sell Your Timberline Home In Sammamish?

If you need to sell your home in Timberline, be sure to contact one of our Sammamish area real estate specialists.  Our agents live and know what makes the plateau a desirable place to live and will use the most advanced marketing and technology to get your home sold fast.  Use the contact form below and one of our agents will contact you soon.

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